This 9-month package bathes you in an alchemical connection with your deep Feminine Essence–to cultivate radiant beauty, sexual vitality and magnetism at a level that is not dependent on physical youth. Each of the three modules in this program includes a one-to-two day in-person small group or individual retreat, followed by 6 individual telephone or Skype coaching sessions and unlimited email support over the following three months–to stabilize what you have gained in the retreat day and support you through transitions in your inner and outer life.

Module One Theme: Loving and Living in your Fabulous Female Body

With the in-person Whole Body Goddess™ Retreat Day (or small-group workshop), we begin to transform your attitudes toward and relationship with your body. Learn and experience powerful, holistic self-healing practices for your female organs. Start clearing the emotional and physical effects of past difficult experiences—especially those related to your relationships and sexuality—that may be shrouding the full shining of your Feminine Radiance. Open to fully inhabiting your amazing female body—and start enjoying the many benefits.

Module Two Theme: Cultivating Sexual Vitality and Magnetism

This module begins with an in-person (individual or small group) Magnify Your Magnetism™ Retreat Day. Whether you are in a relationship or not, understanding and experiencing the play between your own masculine and feminine dynamic polarities is invaluable for your self-empowerment, your ability to maintain your own center while in a relationship, and your ability to generate polarity with your partner. Learn how to circulate energy within your body for increased vitality and moment-to-moment pleasure in daily living. If you are in a relationship, apply what you are learning to enriching your intimate partnership and your sex life.

Module 3 Theme: Feeling Confident and Looking GREAT!

We begin this celebratory module with our in-person Dress to Express™ Retreat. (Note: This Retreat may be held in an urban location with access to great shopping!) We have a lot of fun exploring how to dress to seamlessly harmonize with and express the many levels of your unique embodiment as a woman–color, ideal garment styles and cuts to flatter your body shape, express your personality, and bring out the gorgeous feminine energies and inner radiance you have been cultivating! We can especially attend to dressing for dates and other romantic situations and/or for how you show up in your work or for public presentations, depending on your personal priorities.

During this module, we also address any emotional issues, insecurities, and conflicts you might have about expressing your essence and sexual attractiveness in your appearance. We deal with issues of maintaining your groundedness and confidence as a woman in the face of any mis-matches there may be between cultural stereotypes of beauty and the unique expressions of beauty native to your particular body. On the foundation of the inner work we have already done, this attention to the art of dressing actually helps you complete your embodiment and the expression of your unique essence all the way out to the surface level of how you look—a significant component of charisma and sexual attractiveness independent of age!

During this module, we may also systematically go through your clothes, let go of the items that are no longer fabulous for you and organize those that remain—keeping only the ones that truly express YOU, and creating space for the new! You will select and/ or acquire a collection of complete outfits (with lots of mix and match potential) in which you look and feel absolutely amazing.

Completion Bonus: You dress up in your new outfit(s) and have a photo shoot with a gifted portrait/ glamour photographer!

Pricing for the program depends on:

  • Whether you take the in-person days at the beginning of each module individually (advantages: maximum personal privacy, in your own timing, no need to coordinate with others) or in a small group workshop setting (advantages: sharing expense, sharing support with group of women).
  • Cost of the specific venue(s) involved.
  • Any special elements that may be included in your personalized package.

We will work out pricing, depending on the specifics of the package that best suits your aspirations and needs.

Enrollment in the Radiant Embodied Woman program requires a complimentary, in-depth Radiance Empowerment session with Susanna.

Book your complimentary session here.